TINGE Magazine - https://www.tingemagazine.org

Issue 7

Two Porches Deep

 · Poetry

Productivity is high
Today, for example, I traveled
Down the stairs
I bought a coffee twice from two different vendors
Filled 10 pages of a notebook
Thought a lot
Imagined myself in future productive moments

I carried three bags
One had a notebook and my wallet
Keys, wires, loose paper, a pen
cigarettes, a lighter
One had grapes, a large water bottle
two cans of chickpeas and fresh grapefruit juice
And the third was a paper bag
with a large piece of flat cheese bread
folded in half twice and wrapped in paper

On a plane you are both the most
and the least
You are tired, productive
You are bored, unproductive
You are moving through the sky — fast, productive
You are sitting next to other people, unproductive
You drink, productive
You eat, unproductive
You land, unproductive
You forget the experience entirely, productive

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